w a y s t o g i v e
Cash & Checks
Please make checks payable to Connection Church. By contributing via check, you authorize the church to use information from your check to process your payment electronically. These checks may be dropped in the offering buckets during service or in person at the church office. They may also be mailed to our office at the address below:
Connection Church
291 Wayne St.
Columbia, TN 38401
Online Giving
Online giving is a great way to automate the important. Here you can make a one-time contribution or set up recurring donations. It’s easy to make weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly contributions tied to your bank account or credit card. It’s safe, secure, and easy to use. We process online transactions as E-checks. This method requires your bank check routing number and checking account number. Your routing number is a nine-digit number on the bottom-left corner of a check. Do not use the routing number from a deposit slip. This may vary from your check routing number.